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7 Tools to Mass Unfollow Who are Not Following Back & Mass Follow on Twitter Read more:

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mass unfollow 7 Tools to Mass Unfollow Who are Not Following Back & Mass Follow on Twitter
Twitter is full of spammers. Some people will use any hot girl display image, some people will use username like freeapps, facebookapps, newapps, divxmovies, wptips, wordpresstips, facebooktips, twittermarketingtips, newtools, freeiphoneapps etc. to attract new followers but those might be spammers who will just throw some random links at you from time to time. You hope that these new contacts would provide you some useful info and connect with you but those are just sheep. Black sheep indeed. Alright here are some tools which will help you to take mass or bulk actions. You can follow all people who are following you. I would recommend to select follow all who are following you. Look at their display image and followers and then check their box. These tools will also facilitate you to mass/bulk unfollow who are not following you back. Tension is gone. Relax and hit bulk action button. Flush all black sheep.

what the 7 Tools to Mass Unfollow Who are Not Following Back & Mass Follow on Twitter
It is very important to unfollow such crap. Nobody wants to listen to who is deaf and can't hear you. If the Twitter is for socialism then it should be two ways thingy. Minimize your Twitter contact list to just your buddies who are connecting to you. The problem is; Twitter does not allow mass unfollow functionality. There are tools though. Twitter Karma is a tool which will display images and indication of whether they are following you or you are following them or you both are following each other. Just select people who you are following and they are not following you back and unfollow all.
The problem is you have to click one by one all those black sheep who are not following you back to remove. We need a tool to select all who are not following back and them remove all.
twitin 7 Tools to Mass Unfollow Who are Not Following Back & Mass Follow on Twitter
Brilliant resource is buzzom - twitin.
Easy follow & unfollow. Mass Unfollow who are not following you and mass follow who are following you. Just click select all and flush them.
Perhaps this tool is more better then above mentioned Twitter Karma.
Another tool is Unfollow all who do not follow you back. Follow all who follows you. Mutuality is a simple service which allow you to make bulk operations with your account. Just enter your Twitter username and password, select operation and press "Go".
More Resources Follow, Unfollow, or Block. Find out how many of your followers are junk and block the twerps. Unfollow twitter users who do not tweet often enough. Who are you following that's not following you back? Who's following you that you're not following back? Find out!


3 Free Tools to Mass Unfollow Twitter Users

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Sometimes we end up following lot of Twitter users in the hope that they will follow us back. However, all of them do not follow us back. This puts a difference between number of users we are following, and those who are following us back. Twitter puts a limit on this difference, so that you do not end up following tens of thousands of Twitter users in hope that they will follow you back.
The simple way to keep this difference low is by unfollowing those Twitter users who are not following you back. This is not very easy to do in Twitter. So, here we review 3 free software to Mass Unfollow Twitter users who are not following you back.

1) Buzzom: Complete Twitter Follower Management Tool

Buzzom is one of my favorite Twitter tools. It is a full featured Twitter follower management tool. It has tons of options: you can mass follow, mass unfollow, cross follow, reciprocate, and even search Twitter users by keywords. This is an online tool, and you do not need to download or install anything. I hope Twitter had this type of follower management tool built-in.
Read more here. Try here.

2) Tweetelity: Simple way to Mass Unfollow

Tweetelity is a very simple and free online service to mass unfollow Twitter followers who are not following you back. It shows you all those users who are not mutually following you back, and you can mass unfollow them in a few clicks.
Read more here. Try Here.

3) Mutuality: Mass Follow and Mass Unfollow

Mutuality is a free online Mass Follow and Mass Unfollow tool. It can unfollow Twitter users who are not following you back, and follow Twitter users whom you are not following. It has a limitation of working for only those accounts that have less than 1800 follows/follwers.
Read more here. Try Here.

6 Twitter Bulk Follow/Unfollow tools

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For those of you who are wondering how to manage growing number friends and followers on twitter these tools can offer a solution. If you want to follow back people who are following you or opposite – unfollow people who don’t follow you back check out these amazing tools.


Very useful auto-follow platform for following users depending on your specified keywords. Can be very useful for building an audience around some specific brand or project.

Friend or follow

Besides displaying lists of your twiter friends, followers and people you follow you can get most followed user list, user growth chart and other information.

Huitter Mutuality

This tool is really simple and that’s why many people love it – just enter your twitter user data and select operatin and everything will happen.

Your Twitter Karma

This tool is very popular because of its rich functionality and many function it offers. If you can’t find the operation you look for check out Twitter Karma – I bet they have it.


This tool offers to unfollow twitter users who have not posted any tweets recently. It is very usefull to get rid of these users who don’t use twitter anymore.


Also a great alternative of bulk follow/unfollow tools who offere pretty much the same functionality and if you like thsi one better give it a try.


I really like this one – it is really simple, but works great. It have all main functions and also works pretty fast.

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Secrets of How to ReTweet Effectively Better by : ruhanirabin

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Art of Retweeting header

When Twitter started off, it was nothing but a place to put your status. Now, Twitter has expanded to become a Social Media Giant and fastest means of communications. With its powerful information sharing, it turn into a stream of up-to-date news. Over its last few years, Twitter came up with several actions, acronyms and tagging. One of the most useful action is “Re-Tweet”.

Updated Nov 5, 2009

This post has been listed in Official Twitter FAQ
Thanks Twitter Management for being generous.

What is RT or Re-Tweet?

Re-tweeting is a popular way to share a useful or interesting tweet. When you browse your friends or public tweet stream and found something useful. Most probably you would like to share that with your Twitter followers. They might not know about it. Therefore, you copy some ones tweet; append RT along with their name and post it back. Then it is instantly available for your contacts or the public.

Benefits of Re-tweeting

  1. Increases visibility of you to other people and inside the public information stream.
  2. You re-tweet someone’s tweet and it’s instantly visible to the public stream and to your Twitter friends and followers.
  3. Credit passed along by tagging the original poster and current posters name. It is a polite manner.
  4. Slowly but most likely build contacts related to your interests and topics
  5. Passive marketing of yourself by helping others

When you should Re-Tweet?

  • A post has useful information that you like to share it within your followers
  • A post that has helpful information that can help out other users of similar interests
  • Information exchange and appreciate good tweets

What do You need if you want to do �Re-tweet�?

Twitter itself doesn’t provide an option to re-tweet (yet). So you need to get this feature from 3rd party applications.
Having mentioned the points above, RT posts by many people might lead simple users to confusion. Usually when you use twitter clients like Twirl or TweetDeck; they instantly attach the text �RT @username:� before the original post.

How Not to make a Mess when You “Re-tweet”

The concept of “Re-tweet” is simple, but flawed in some way. Using the �RT� prefix worked well when less people RT, but too many RT’s are not really scalable or clean. Too many RT of a single post makes it almost unreadable. It keeps on growing by adding the text �RT @username� at the beginning of the original post. Take a moment to look at the example below:
Traditional RT or RE-Tweets
Too many RT of a single post make it almost unreadable
By now you have the idea how the Re-tweet might look like when they are re-tweeted by many users. Another simple example would be:
Another simple example
Importantly we should not forget the limitation of 140 characters. Every time any one re-tweets, it can easily add up to 12+ characters into that tweet.

Re-formatting of Re-Tweets

The confusion of looking at RT topics can be minimized and presented in a much more easier and readable manner. Here are some ideas:
  • Take extra 20-30 seconds of your time to analyze the post before you actually re-tweet it
  • Set your re-tweeted or tweeted post limit to 120 characters. That way you will have free space if someone wants to re-tweet your post.
  • Never modify the short link posted by the original poster of the tweet. Do check the link
  • Move the RT @username part to the end of the post
  • Remove duplicate words and hashtags from your post
  • Format RT possibly in this manner at the end of the post �This is a post that is re-tweeted (RT @username1 via @username2 @username3)�. Let’s explain the RT, it is originated from username1. Then username2 and username3 re-tweeted the post of username1. I will cover this part later in this post.
  • Use the word RT if you want to identify the original poster. Use the word �via� when you found it via someone else.
  • Make use #hashtags to identify important keywords but do not to overload it.
  • Appreciate and Thanks other users who’ve re-tweet your posts
  • Whether it is a link, quote, or interesting information, add value to what’s been said before by contributing in your own words something relevant to the content. Give your opinion, be critical, be complimentary. This presents that you have actually looked at it rather than just simply forwarding it on.
Here is an example of a well formed Re-tweet.
Example of a well formed Re-tweet

When you should use �via�?

�Via� represents a �Medium�. Here is a scenario. Person1 posted a tweet. Person2 re-tweet that post. Person3 re-tweet Person2 post. Consider the example given below:
50 Outstanding Web Designer Wallpapers RT @awebdesignblog via @thirddesign @FlipBooks
Explanation: The tweet above is originated from @AWebDesignBlog and you found it via @ThirdDesign and @FlipBooks

When you should use �by�?

It’s pretty simple. �By� represents that the tweet written by the user. It is the tweet of the original author of an article. Consider the example given below:
Lazy Blogger’s guide to Super Charge #WordPress with 100+ Plugins by @ruhanirabin via @featureBlend @FlipBooks
Explanation: The article in the tweet above is written by me @ruhanirabin and you found it via @featureBlend and @FlipBooks

Define the Readability

Most of the Twitter Desktop Applications attach the format �RT @user1: �at the beginning of the original post. I would strongly advice not to follow that format.
The question raised �Why?� Take a moment to look at the image below
Messy and Difficult to Read
Now take a look at more Readable �Re-tweet� below
Clearly defines the readability
Example above clearly defines the readability of the post and the person(s) who re-tweeted it.


Many popular twitter users are so dependent on the desktop software. They don’t really check how readable their posts are.
A little bit more details? Yes, the soul purpose of Re-tweet is to share useful information. Desktop software adds “RT @username” at the beginning of the post. So it is become hard for the human eye to find the original topic. Why? Because usually we read text from left to right.
You can easily make changes when you re-tweet. This makes it easier for your followers to read.
I welcome your comments. Be sure to stay up to date with my RSS Subscription, the easiest, fastest way to keep up with what’s happening on this site.

10 Add On Penting Firefox Tahun 2010

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Sebagai pangguna internet, tentunya kita tak asing lagi dengan yang namanya browser. Software penghubung antara kita dengan dunia maya ini merupakan alat tempur yang paling pokok dan penting untuk mengakses internet. Karena berperan sebagai alat tempur pokok maka kita perlu meningkatkan performa dan kelengkapannya. Jika anda adalah seorang pengguna Mozilla Firefox pasti anda tidak asing dengan aplikasi-aplikasi tambahannya yang dikenal dengan nama Add On. Berikut ini adalah 10 Add On  penting untuk Firefox menurut lifehacker.
Agar lebih menarik anda membaca maka kita balik dulu dari yang ke 10 baru turun, turun, dan turun sampai ke 1.
10. AutoCopy
Fitur yang satu ini mungkin lebih cocok untuk para blogger mania. Kegunaan dasarnya adalah untuk mengkopi teks apapun pada segala macam situs hanya dengan memilihnya saja tanpa perlu menekan [Ctrl] + C. Untuk mem-paste-nya, Anda cukup menekan tombol tengah pada mouse (tidak perlu [Ctrl] + V. Dan bukan hanya untuk meng-copy-paste saja, AutoCopy juga bisa memperbaiki URL yang sangat panjang dan rusak secara otomatis.
9. Google Gears
Memang aplikasi yang satu ini bersifat lebih teknikal dari hanya sekedar ekstensi untuk browser, tapi jika dibandingkan dengan fungsi sebenarnya, Gears sangatlah mudah untuk diinstalasikan dan mampu membuka sebuah dunia baru pada internet. Yang utama, Gears membawa beberapa aplikasi Google secara offline – Gmail, Google Reader, Docs, Calendar, dan sepaket aplikasi lain yang bisa dikategorikan sebagai database mini, seperti Remember the Milk dan PassPack.
8. Personal Menu
Personal Menu bisa dikatakan sebagai generasi baru dari Tiny Menu, memiliki dasar yang sama tetapi efek yang lebih hebat, yaitu memberikan isi situs yang Anda lihat dengan ruang yang lebih lega. Caranya adalah dengan menyingkirkan menu-bar sepanjang window pada bagian atas dan mengubahnya menjadi menu yang single drop-down. Dengan shortcut Alt, Anda bisa mengembalikannya menjadi menu bar biasa. Selain itu, terdapat juga tambahan tombol history dan bookmark secara otomatis pada toolbar sebagai dua menu yang paling aktif.
7. Better Gmail2
Better Gmail 2 menjawab atau memperbaiki banyak keluhan yang diberikan kepada Gmail. Anda bisa mengaktifkan dan mematikan fitur apapun dari Google sesuka Anda, dan setiap saat Gmail user script baru muncul dan masuk ke dalam Greasemonkey, Anda pasti akan langsung bisa melihatnya pada Better Gmail.
6. DownThemAll! (DTA)
DTA memang bukan alat yang Anda butuhkan sering-sering, tapi lebih berperan sebagai download manager yang sangat kuat. Ia memotong segala proses untuk mengambil gambar pada sebuah halaman situs (termasuk link untuk versi lebih besar atau zoom), semua MP3 pada blog musik, atau segala macam filter lain yang bisa Anda atur sendiri. Coba lihat petunjuk pemakaiannya di sini.
5. Tab Mix Plus
Aplikasi yang satu ini memberikan bumbu tambahan untuk mengatur tab-tab pada browser, misalnya memberi font italic pada tab yang belum Anda buka, memberikan fitur undo closed tab, dan masih banyak lainnya.
4. Automatic Save Folder (ASF)
Secara teknikal, fitur ini sebenarnya merupakan sebuah uji coba dan belum disetujui oleh Mozilla secara resmi, tapi dengan berbagai reaksi positif yang diterima, akhirnya fitur ini terus dijalankan dan dikembangkan. ASF merupakan teman yang baik bagi fitur-fitur pengunduh seperti DownThemAll, yaitu dengan menempatkan file-file yang Anda unduk pada sebuah folder tertentu pada system berdasarkan dari ekstensi file atau situs sumbernya.
3. Adblock Plus
Sangat diperlukan oleh para pembenci iklan-iklan di internet yang mengganggu halaman situs kesayangan Anda. Tapi dengan Adblock Plus, Anda bisa sewaktu-waktu tetap mengaktifkan gambar iklan jika memang Anda memiliki ketertarikan khusus.
2. Greasemonkey
Greasemonkey diperuntukkan bagi para pengguna Firefox yang agak advance, yang gemar untuk menciptakan segala sesuatunya sendiri. Kemampuan menggunakan JavaScript sangat dibutuhkan untuk menggunakan aplikasi yang satu ini. Anda bisa menemukan daftar beberapa skrip di sini atau mungkin untuk skrip yang lebih sederhana pada

1. Foxmarks / Xmarks

Secara perlahan, Foxmarks mengubah namanya menjadi Xmarks, tapi tentu saja tidak ada perubahan dengan fungsinya yang disukai oleh para pengguna. Pada dasarnya, Xmarks mensinkronisasikan bookmark dan password di antara beberapa browser dari platform yang berbeda pula, dan menyimpannya pada sebuah situs yang bisa Anda kunjungi dari browser manapun yang tidak bisa Anda tambahkan aplikasi ekstensi. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menyimpan aplikasi ekstensi tersebut pada server Anda sendiri. Xmarks juga tersedia pada IE dan Safari.
Bagaimana dengan daftar di atas? Yang mana yang menarik untuk Anda? Atau anda punya versi Add On yang lain? Semua keluhan, komentar, saran, dll bisa ditunggu di bagian Comments.
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, silakan klik di sini.

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    Yang Benar,


FIFA World Cup 2010 Widget: Scores and Social Media

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  By: Jamie Pert | June 12, 2010
  Filed under: Computers
FIFA World Cup 2010 Widget: Scores and Social Media

If you are keen to keep-in-touch with all of the latest South Africa World Cup 2010 news, fixtures, results, stats etc you may want to check out FIFA’s football widgets.
These widgets can be customized and shared online via services such as Twitter, Facebook, Bebo, MySpace, iGoogle and WordPress etc.
I have embedded one of the widgets towards the end of this post, sadly our site’s design does not show off the widget to it’s full potential, however I have tested it with Facebook and it looks great.
There are six different widgets to choose from, one of the nicest widgets is the latest photos widget, this displays a huge slideshow of the latest World Cup photos .
If you want to see your team’s World Ranking check out the FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking widget. If you check out the link below you can see all of FIFA’s available widgets.
Source: FIFA

5 Ways Your Twitter Picture Will Keep Me from Following You

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Call me crazy, but your Twitter icon can and WILL keep me from following you on Twitter. Below are my top 5 gripes about Twitter images and why they'll drive me, and probably many others, away.
  1. If you have the ugly brown default icon that Twitter uses as a placeholder, I won't follow you. If you use this it makes me think you're not active and I like to follow active people.
  2. If your Twitter icon is a mini advertisement for your MLM or Dating Service conpany, I will not follow. This just screams that you'll be trying to sell me something at some point and that your primary motivation for being on Twitter is to make money. Pass.
  3. If your Twitter icon is flipping me the bird I probably will not follow you. I get enough of that when I drive my car, I don't really want it in my twitter client. It's not cute, it's actually pretty stupid and immature. FYI
  4. If your Twitter icon makes you look angry or like a douchebag, I will not follow you. I'm not in this for negative vibes, baby.
  5. If your twitter picture is of nude or risque body parts, male or female, I'll definitely pass. I suppose there's a place for that on the internet for certain people... Twitter is not that place in my opinion.
  6. BONUS GRIPE: Animated Twitter icons may seem like a cool and hip thing, but they get old very quickly and I really don't want to keep  being distracted by your dancing banana when I'm trying to read tweets around you. Don't try to steal attention away from others. Tweet awesome tweets and you won't have to resort to such lame tactics.
There, I said it. It feels good to get that off my chest. Do you have a nice & respectable Twitter avatar? I'm @azkiya_aero on Twitter.  Follow me here and I'll be sure to return the favor! :-)
[PS: If you liked this post please retweet it!]

Twitter : How to Create Twitter Background

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You are on Twitter and you want a custom background.  Here is what  you need to know.

You can create your own background in any application that will let  you save the file as a .jpg, .gif or .png and allows you to create the  graphics you desire.  I used Adobe Photoshop to create mine (take a peek to  see what it looks like).
Here are some things you need to know before getting started:
  • Your twitter background will force itself to the far left of the  page.  Give your self some room from the left side.
  • People have different size monitors, so it is best to keep the  graphics on the left and a solid color on the right so that you know  they are seeing what you want them to see.

Creating your background
Set Your File Dimensions (page size): 378 px x 583  px or 5.25 inches wide x 8 inches tall
Now Set A Logo Area: 80 px by 583 px or 1 inch x  1.25 inches (this is about how big you want it to be)
Left Margin: Remember to set everything over 3/4 of  an inch from the left side.
Top Margin: 14 px or 1/8 inch from the top is where  you are going to want to put your logo (this way it lines up with the  Twitter logo).
Right Margin: 3/4 inch – 1 inch  from the right is  where you are going to want to put your guides.  Place your information  between the left and right margins.  This will give you a little “elbow  room” as people expand and collapse their windows.  Thanks The Harriman Team  for point this out.
Important Note:  Different monitor sizes, and different screen  resolutions will cause variations on how your background appears.  The  sizes above were created so to meet the needs of most people.
Final file size according to Twitter:  “Images must be smaller than  800k.”
Make it “Purdy”
Colors: Select colors that match your Twitter  template colors. You can change the colors for Text, Name, Link, Sidebar  fill and Sidebar border as needed in the dialog box on Twitter.
Recommendation: Choose colors that work with the  template you have choosen and save yourself the headache of matching the  links, etc. to your image.
How to Upload your Twitter background
  1. Login and click ‘Settings’ >> click ‘Design’ >> Select  ‘Use my custom style below’ radio button >> Upload your image

It took me quite a bit of time to get a background image that I was  happy with. There was a lot of editing and uploading again, and again  until it was just the way I wanted it. Have patience and you’ll be  thrilled with the results. Remember that you are working within someone  else’s website and can’t control all the features.

Keep these things in mind when creating your new background for  Twitter.

Things to remember when creating a twitter 
background image

Things to  remember when creating a twitter background image

Good Luck!

If you found this article helpful, please Stumble or give a  TWEET.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions or problems, please leave comments  below, Tweet  me or send me a direct message via Twitter.  I’m always here to  help!
Happy Tweeting!


twitter Most Popular Widget

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Facebook Platform: 30+ Awesome Applications for Facebook :

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The Facebook Platform, which goes live today, means you can use lots of cool new applications within Facebook (Facebook). We’ve tested most of them, as well as gathering together all the announcements made today. Here are more than 30 of the best, with more being added as they are announced – come back later for updates. More than 70 partners have already signed on.
Editor’s tip: We probably shouldn’t tell you this, but you can gain access to all these apps by logging in to Facebook and going to . Soon they’ll move over to the main Facebook domain, but for now, let’s keep it between you and me. ;)

Add CollegeHumor content, be it videos, images or articles, to your Facebook profile with one click. You can send the content to another Facebook user as well, adding to the viral nature of CollegeHumor content. CollegeHumor has also included the ability to add applications that showcase the newest and the most popular content, content from their school, as well as an application to insult their friends. Should be fun.

FeedBurner has built its Headline Animator on the Facebook Platform, and it will display the latest headlines from your FeedBurner blogs, podcasts and RSS feeds to Facebook users. The Headline Animator is a dynamically generated graphic that can be customized as well, and will show on your Facebook profile. This feature isn’t an added reader option, but it will enable you to create a Headline Animator for your blog and put it on your Facebook profile.

Splashcast lets you create your own channels to which programming from across the web can be added, including videos and images. These can then be embedded into your blog or social networking site, and now your Facebook profile. You can create a channel specifically for Facebook, and it looks like the integration into Facebook through its new platform will let you create and edit your channels from within Facebook as well.

With iLike’s integration, you’ll be able to personalize your incoming iLike information based on your Facebook music and friends, and be alerted as to when your favorite artists is going to be in town as well as which of your Facebook friends will be attending. You can also search and add streaming music to your profile, and discover new music based on what your friends are listening to.

Slide’s integration is simple enough: slide shows that you’ve created can be integrated into Facebook. Send them to your own Facebook profile or to a Facebook friend. In addition, its added Slide Guestbook, which lets friends add video, photo and text comments to create a collaborative slide show, and Slide SkinFlix, letting you personalize videos with skins and themes.

With the Forbes integration into Facebook, you can track company stocks and access related financial information, along with the latest headline news from Forbes. You can track up to ten companies by their ticker symbols, view the three most recent news headlines, and get immediate access to relevant financial data. This can be displayed on your profile page and shared with friends.

The Internet tv broadcaster will let you add a Favorites () player to your Facebook profile, and is fully integrated with the Veoh platform and favorite videos feature. It enables Veoh to increase its reach, tapping into Facebook’s 24 million users.

The community for dog lovers has a couple of features for its Facebook integration, starting with the Dogster Rescu Application. This allows Facebook users to feature photos of dogs around the country that are in punds and shelters, awaiting a good home. Dogster is also adding the Dogster Cute application, enabling users to showcase photos of the cutest dogs and puppies on their Facebook profiles. Catster will have the same offerings.

The slideshow app allows Facebook users to create music videos and slideshows mixing images, text and effects with a large music library, which has recently been expanded to include APM music, a joint offering from EMI and BMG. Fliptrack is holding two contests over the holiday weekend, including “make the best music video” contest featuring Plain White Tees’ single “Hey There Delilah” and the final week of the “make a video” contest for the band A Shoreline Dream. Finalists will receive a gift pack from the band and will be featured on their website.

Ma.gnolia’s social bookmarking app built on Facebook’s platform lets member’s latest bookmarks be available for friends to see. The links will be provided for other Facebook members that have also added the Ma.gnolia application. This is obviously an easier way to see what your friends have bookmarked, as it’s displayed within Facebook’s larger community, offering additional info like ratings and tags.

The event finder application lets users discover new happenings all over the country, at the local level. You can search for events or peruse suggested events from within Facebook, and set mobile reminders or add the events to their iCals.

The file sharing application built on Facebook’s platform lets users display files directly from their Facebook profiles, granting more ways for’s widget to become visible and easily used by more people. lets site visitors access these files directly, offering a collaborative file sharing application to be used within Facebook’s larger network.

The game creator now lets you add and access its games through Facebook, giving you a wide selection of games to play directly from the Facebook sidebar. Users can play Bunchball games with other Facebook users, increasing the type of interactivity that can occur within the Facebook network. has been integrated into Facebook to delivery daily video clips based on your favorite television shows, as listed in your Facebook profile. These clips come from cable and broadcast television programmers.

The Ether voice-commerce application is often used for business purposes, and will now let you place a “call me” button on your Facebook profile, and earn money by communicating their knowledge and expertise over the phone. This can be used for tutors, consultants, experts, bloggers and a few other professions we can think of that involve a call-in line.

Atomic Moguls has created FantasyMoguls to provide Flick Picks and Box Office O/U as a distributed model for social and fantasy gaming. Facebook friends can share which movies they’d like to see, and find out what movies others are interested in, rate them, and make predictions about how well a movie will do at the box office. These predictions can be stacked against other Facebook users as a fun game.

The style community is extending its Fashion IV rating game in Facebook, letting users enjoy some fun features offered in Fashion IV’s network, which includes ways for users to share their style statements and get feedback about their clothes, straight from the community.

Flixster () is launching Flixster-on-Facebook for rating movies and offering recommendations. This provides users with access to Flixster’s rating, sharing and discovery tools that are used on Flixster’s main website service.

The fashion and style informative will let Facebook users express their fashion choices using products they own or desire, to be shared with friends. Create personalized lists from Glimpse’s () catalog of over 250,000 items, which can then be named, annotated and published to their Facebook profiles. Friends can create their own Glimpse lists, and also receive notifications when friends’ styles are updated.

Their integrated application involves an interactive travel map, enabling Facebook users to place color-coded maps on their profiles, indicating all the countries they’ve visited, and all the places they hope to visit. Updates to users’ maps will be shared with friends via the Facebook Newsfeeds. Users can contact other members with similar travel plans and get info about destinations they’ll be going to in the future.

The integration with Facebook is pretty apparant; Jangl will offer Facebook users a way to communicate with each other, using their land lines, VoIP or mobile phones, without giving up any personal information. Tying in its announcement from earlier this week, Jangl users on Facebook will also be able to call anyone that has an email address, regardless of geographical location.

Jobster’s application will let Facebook users search for jobs and connect them with people, information and opportunities necessary for furthering their careers. This integration is simply a seamless way to tap into the Facebook user base, which is heavily comprised of college students and recently graduated adults.

The service that lets you make personal loans out to people is now accessible through Facebook, making it that much easier to borrow and lend money. Facebook’s demographic seems to be right up the alley for Lending Club, considering the initiative of Facebook’s college community, which bleeds well into adulthood.

MOG is introducing the “Last Songs Played” and “My Top Songs This Week” applitions, enabling users to automatically display the songs they’ve just listened to on their computers and iPods. This adds personalization options to Facebook users’ profiles, and more ways for song discovery amongst the larger community.

This app lets Facebook users start sports and entertainment pick competitions with other Facebook members. You’ll be able to publish and promote your picks, including scores, rankings and weekly averages, to be shared with other Facebook users.

Prosper introduced its Fantasy Banker game for Facebook users to take part in. Within Facebook, your scoreboard appears with those that you’re playing against, betting on real-time loan listings displayed on Prosper’s website. When the listings players pick gets funded, they earn points. This educational and financial twist on Hot or Not is another way for Facebook users to interact with each other.

This offering gives Facebook users a way to convert digital photos and illustrations into prints, photo books, posters, postcards, mugs, T-shirts and more items. Facebook users can order products for themselves or share reorder links and product views with friends, so they too can order these products.

Radar’s Facebook integration lets you share selected pictures and videos with your friends, and embed Radar-style browsing and commenting tools on your profile. Commenting interaction is displayed in real time, and offers yet more ways to interact, this time around content, within the Facebook community.

Providing travel-planning tools for Facebook users, you can share your experiences with others using SideStep’s Trips application. This lets you list upcoming trips and future travel interests, which can then be displayed on your profile. You can also search for other Facebook users with similar travel interests to get more information from them.

Terralever’s stuffCloud app allows you to apply a weighted list of favorites on your profile, which incorporates the brands and products you like or want to have. This visual representation displays trends across a personal network and the larger Facebook network as well. Terralever also introduced Photo Flipbook, providing users the ability to interact with online photos as if they’re in a book.

The Uber music player is now available for Facebook use, letting you grab, listen to and share music within Facebook. To celebrate this launch, Uber will feature an exclusive track “Transformer (Live from Abbey Road)” from Gnarls Barkley. This player is customizable, letting you choose from skins created by Uber and other artists, including Gnarls Barkley.

The interactive digital entertainment service is offering Facebook users a way to discover new music, videos, movies or television show, and learn more about them based on the entertainment their friends are currently watching and listening to. More features to come.

Viagogo launched a tickets application on Facebook, letting users buy and sell their tickets to live events. You can now manage your ticket listings on viagogo, and add the list to your Facebook profile, where friends can see. Installing this particular application will automatically update changes made to your list, including price change and other updates.

The Widgetbox gallery is now available to Facebook users, for selection and embedding on their Facebook profiles. This offers a pretty inclusive level of customization that has previously been unavailable to Facebook users. The widgetbox gallery for Facebook also links directly to the RockYou app inside Facebook, giving quick access to both widgetbox and RockYou. Pretty nifty.

The Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive is offering two political applications built on the Facebook platform, giving Facebook users more access to current political affairs. It’s “Compass” feature allows users to answer questions that determine where their views fall along the political spectrum, and these results are then shared with their Facebook friends, which are invited to answer as well. The network of friends gets a map displaying how their answers compare to each other.

Another voice-enabling service, YackPack offers WalkieTalkie and Tag, letting Facebook users talk to one another by clicking the buttons on each others’ profile pages. This service lets you use your computer and a microphone to chat with other users, and doesn’t require set up or registration.

Scrapblog will let you mix photos, videos, audio and text to create a multimedia scrapbook online. You can aggregate several types of media from all over the web, including YouTube (), Flickr (), etc. and now share them on your Facebook profile for all your friends to see.

This offering lets Facebook users share online classifieds through its “WantList” application, which lets you share things your looking for with your friends. Oodle also introduced its “BandTracker” application, which tracks and shares information about over 200,000 bands and upcoming concerts with other users.
